Another policy created by Žalgirio arena is the focus on corporate social responsibility that is aiming to be responsible and tighten the gap between the less fortunate social groups and the rest of the society. At the same time to improve the conciseness of the arena staff and the tenants. The following are the social corporate responsibility steps that we are implementing


  • Integration of the handicaped. Žalgirio arena is fully adjusted for the individuals with physical difficulties. Handicaped parking spaces are placed on the zero Floor of the Arena, form here you can easily reach all the seats in the arena. Individuals with movement difficulties and the person leading them are allowed to come to Žalgiris games without a ticket. The information about attending other events without charge is provided by the organizers of those particular events.
  • Integration of home orphanage children. The children from home orphanages are welcome to visit Žalgirio arena during Žalgiris games (request before-hand is needed). We are looking to cooperating with the social service organizations.
  • One Team by Euroleague. In Žalgirio arena premises there is an on going Euroleague corporate social responsibility project One Team taking place. With the help of basketball certain social groups are involved to improve the behaviour and over all social condition.
  • For the nature: All Žalgirio arena employees and tentants staff are participating in the environmental activity “Darom”. During the activity the staff are cleaning the Nemunas Island where the Arena is placed, planting trees and getting involved in other nature preserving activities.
  • Integration of the tentans. The tentans involve “Transunion” has hundreds of employees and they are very socially active. Other social aware events at the arena: arrange blood donoring days, there is also a children day care centre managed by “Užuovėja”, who are inspiring the rest of the tentants to get involved in the  socially responsible activities.

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