One of the established green policies of Žalgirio arena is Environmental Protection that aims to reduce the negative affect of the Arena and its on going activities on the nature, environment, health and human being in general. The main environmental protection activities:

  • The building’s enviromental protection policy. In 2014 the agreement was signed to start the environmental policy including the aims of lowering the risks for the environment and recommendations for arena‘s tenants, employees and guests.
  • The visitors of Žalgirio arena are strongly invited to recycle the garbage, seperating the food waste from paper and plastic, and glass. To assure the right way of recycling all Žalgirio arena garbage is re-checked and recycled again if necessary. Also the technical equipment is recycled sperately. We are aiming to reduce the waste in general by 5% up to 2017 (Measuring from 2014).
  • Use of organic materials. Žalgirio arena are only working with the suppliers who are operating with ISO 14001 or similiar environmental protection systems. The cleaning materials in use are eco-friendly and go under the branding of “European Ecolabe” or have the documents proving its ingrediants.
  • Car Emmision. The arena staff and visitors are encouraged to reach the arena by bike or public transport to ensure the lower emmition. There are specially made bike holders to accomodate the green transport, also after the big events at the arena there are special busses marked “ZA” that are taking the arena visitors to different areas around the city.
  • Optimal paper usage. Žalgirio arena is gradually getting used to electronic documentation. The arena is also encouraging the staff to print less and if possible to print double sided.

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